Friday, April 27, 2012

What Your Condos Home Owners Association Board Should Know Before They Say No To FHA Approval

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AppId is over the quota

On February 1st of 2010 the entire game changed with regards to obtaining FHA insured loans for condominiums. No longer could a seller get "Spot" (single unit) approval when they tried to sell their condo. Now the entire complex has to be approved and under much more stringent regulations to boot.

Many Homeowners Association (HOA) Boards were not aware that HUD was requiring new and tougher criteria to get their complexes approved. Before condominium communities could offer FHA Insured Mortgages they had to prove that they met these new requirements. On the other hand, some of them knew about the changes but just didn't care and others didn't know how to go about getting HUD approval.

Regardless of the reason the end results were the same for the condominium owners that wanted to sell their condos. They could not offer FHA financing to any prospective buyers.

In 2011 just under 40% of all mortgages used to purchase a home nationally where FHA Insured Mortgages. According to the NY Times (February 27, 2012) 1st time buyers used the FHA Mortgage Program in 53% of the cases when purchasing a new home. 53 first time buyers or 40 all around buyers out of 100 is a lot of buyers to pass up. In the market we are currently going through condo buyers are hard to come by so everyone counts. The condos that are offering FHA financing are seeing twice the amount of prospects as the non FHA approved sellers.

As you can readily see being HUD/FHA approved is a tremendous advantage when it comes to selling your condominium. It also should be noted, for any condo owner over 62 years of age, an FHA Reverse Mortgage, which is considered the Cadillac of reversed mortgages, also requires the complex to be HUD/FHA approved.

This brings us to the problem of what a seller can do when they want to sell their condo to an FHA buyer and their HOA board says they are not interested in getting the complex HUD/FHA Approved.

The first thing the seller should do is find out why the HOA is against FHA approval and then the seller can address those issues. I work for a business that gets Condominium Complexes HUD/FHA approved on a daily basis. I will go over the excuses that we hear for a board's refusal to apply for FHA approval.

One reason for the board's negative attitude, that we hear all the time, is that they think that offering FHA Financing will attract "Undesirable" buyers. This reasoning is usually brought about by the fact that the FHA requires only 3.5% down payment where a conventional mortgage can demand up to 20% down. A lower down payment equates to deadbeat buyers in some HOA boards minds.

First, a higher down payment is not the key to mortgage success. VA mortgages are almost always made with zero down versus 3.5 percent for FHA financing and up to 20% percent for conventional loans. Of all these the VA loans have the lowest foreclosure and delinquency rate.
When you realize that toward the end of 2011 4.29%2 of conventional mortgages nationally were in foreclosure while only 3.24%3 of FHA loans faced the same fate that argument goes out the window.

Another impression that some HOA boards have is that FHA purchasers are bad credit risks. This assumption is also false. A credit score of 620 or above is required by the FHA to get their 1st tier finance program. If a buyer's score is below 620 more down payment will be required or FHA Mortgage Insurance will not be offered. A little education of the board should be sufficient to change their minds on this point.

We also hear that getting FHA Approval doesn't do anything for the HOA. In most cases a simple reminder that the HOA board's only purpose is to oversee the running of the complex in an orderly, efficient and monetarily sound fashion for the greater good of the community. This should include any help that they can offer a condo owner to facilitate the selling, re-financing or acquiring a reverse mortgage for a condominium in the complex.

For the HOA board to choose not to become HUD/FHA approved is not looking out for the complex's and/or the individual owner's best interest. The HOA board should be reminded that at some point in time - Every Single Owner in the Entire Complex Will Want To Sell Their Condominium! The ability to offer FHA Insured Mortgages just makes selling easer.

Cost is another reason given for not pursuing FHA approval. This can be a factor if a complex's monetary situation is really tight. It is possible to get your community HUD/FHA approved for under $100.00 (not counting the labor time). This can only be accomplished if the board, or their agent, is willing to do a lot of work. They must be willing to properly fill out the application, gather the required documents, furnish all the information that is needed and submit that information in a format and manner that HUD will accept. HUD has issued two articles that list all the documents and information that the board will need. These are listed on our website under "A HUD Do It Yourself Kit:". Use the links on the left side of any page on our site, FHACondosApproval.Com.

If the board chooses to use an FHA condo approval company they should not have to pay much over $1,000.00 for a complete certification and $600.00 or so for a re-certification. After they look over the procedure for obtaining HUD approval we think any board will agree that the money that these companies charge is well worth it.

As a side note I would suggest that every HOA board steers clear of any company that requires them to pay any money in advance. They will be out the "up front" money if the complex is not approved.

I have heard of 3 separate companies that offered a money back guarantee and then didn't honor it when the complex was not approved. A professional approval company will not charge the complex anything until the condominium community is fully HUD/FHA approved.

The last reason we hear can be the hardest to overcome. The board knows that they do not meet the HUD requirements to receive FHA approval. This may or may not be fixable.

Some of the reasons that a complex may not qualify is that their insurance is not adequate in HUD eyes. Some of these reasons are:
1 - More than 15% of all home owners' dues are over 30 days in arrears

2 - They are not putting 10% or more of those dues into a dedicated reserve account to cover major repairs or large dollar maintenance items

3 - Retail floor space is over 25% of the total floor space

4 - 51% or more of the total units are not owner occupied

5 - More that 50% of all condos were purchased utilizing FHA insured mortgages

These are just a few of the HUD requirements that could be holding your condominium community back from HUD/FHA approval. There are quite a few more and some can be fixed and some can't.

These shortcomings should be addressed on a case by case basis. If the board got this far they will probably be open to getting advice from a professional FHA condo approval company. These companies should be able to tell the board if their problems are fixable and what they need to do to get approved.

There is usually no charge for this consultation. A fee should only be owed when the complex is fully HUD approved and only after the board has hired the approval company to finish the application.

Good luck and I hope this article gives you some insight into how your HOA board may be thinking. If you need any help or more information just give me a call at (360) 562 0406 and ask for Sam or Bob. We don't charge anything to talk.

Sam S. Spade is the Manager of The FHA Condos Approval Company - They can get Your Condos HUD/FHA Approved So You Can Offer FHA Financing! According to DQ News - 33.4% of the purchase mortgages used in 20 of the largest metro areas were FHA-Insured. The FHA Condos Approval Company Can Get Your Condo Community FHA Approved or You Pay Nothing.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

How to Get the Best Solar Energy System Loan Package

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AppId is over the quota

Currently, there are a lot of finance and credit facilities in Australia. And true, some of them provide flexible payment terms and even impressive interest rates. Some even have schemes that may seem too good to be true. Still, amid the countless number of such companies, there is a finance firm that would cater best to your perceived and unperceived needs. This is what you should look for; a company that would address your seen and unforeseen requirements.

One good point of discussion: getting a solar power loan to add to any existing home loans.

Some if not most banks or finance companies do not have a leeway to add such specific add-on to an existing loan. This is not even an option for some. So when a finance company has one, then it's a good choice.

Now, having this as a basis for this kind of financial decision, we'll do a quick process of elimination. It's always good to lay down the advantages and dissect them one by one. It always pays to be very scrutinizing on the benefits you will get, especially in this kind of monetary investment.

Let's start with the long-term financial benefits of getting a solar system in your home or business.

It's a fact that setting up a solar system for your home or office will save you on electric bills in the long run. True, the initial cost of setting up the panel and the necessary requirements and permits may seem a lot to take-in in one go. But looking at 35 years of savings on your electricity bills, the cost will become insignificant. As the average solar system panel will work in 35 years. And if maintained and cared properly, it will help you save on electricity bills for more than 35 years. Now, depending on the size of the solar panels you wish to have installed, this will inevitably minimize your bill or even neutralize its monthly cost. On this part, the rule "the bigger the better" applies. The bigger the panel, the better the savings on this utility cost. How's that for savings?

Still, we are not just talking about long-term benefits here. We're looking into showing you the short-term benefits as well-and getting your first solar system installed will help you with that.

Fed rebates are one. The Federal Government provides you with Renewable Energy Certificates which can be used to lower your cost of installation depending on the installers or solar panel manufacturers.

More so, feed-in tariff are available to provide you with more financial cushions and short-term monetary benefits. These RECs and FiTs will be better explained by your choice or preferred solar system manufacturers and providers.

Toby White is an advocate of solar power technologies, granting solar power loans to families who want to do their part in saving the environment as well as cut down household expenses.

The various types of high-frequency trading-strategies

High speed trading has investment firms capable of instituting it storm due to the involved it benefits included. Complete with large amounts of investment, be considerable profits. There are various high-frequency trading strategies, manage the results of the market of programmed computer. These include trends, few movements, change neutral approaches and scalping.

Trend approach

If an algorithm can predict a market trend for a long time, can the user to position its business between profit on the points of light and drops. While day to day completely arbitrarily move the market, the market will investigate a trend in the course of time in a certain direction. If you know that the merchant can shave profits from secluded positions in the meantime.

Few movement

Few trade sees risk balance, by ensuring that transactions that occur for two go. This approach moves an opposite trade on the desired trade. It may loss because the opposite pair trade nonsense if you want trade fails, WINS was the market in that direction. In the course of time, more victories make profits as losses, even if the WINS are marginal. Gains made in a radio frequency mode, the aggregate in real money.

Change prevention

Typically in situations where value is desired, allows a delta-neutral strategy several trades occur as long as the entire portfolio not much changes value, if at all. For those who are nearing retirement or it can be, this can be a popular position, while still on the market. While trade could be up and down all day, this is mathematical result little change on the bottom line.


The algorithm trading is scalping an electronic, high-speed-trade version "buy cheap and sell dear." However, with high frequency trading strategies may be the price changes at the level of the penny. This approach requires a high level of volatility in the day to be useful. The transactions buy and sell the same position quickly, keeping only long enough to make a marginal difference before the Elimination of the risk. Where computers are involved in, this can be at light speed in the software parameters once programmed. Regardless of whether the market or not tends profit is the entire goal is simply the current difference of market prices, often on when they are on the rise. However, it can be played in the opposite direction with option trades.

High frequency trading strategies are a great opportunity for your company. Read more articles on our Web site.

What Is The Role Of Trading Strategies When Dealing With Options?

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AppId is over the quota

While the majority of the participants consider binary option trading as a form of gambling, there are definite traders who do not hold on such opinions. In fact, during certain times, the theories put forward by the traders who follow predefined strategies might look to be wonderful for the untrained eyes. However, please bear in mind the following fact - there are no Holy Grail trading systems out there. Every trading strategy has certain time periods when they will work out beautifully. This is because of the cyclic nature of the markets; every four years, the existing cycle of the stock market changes. In other words, there is a reason why stock markets are still in existence today - because there is no definite strategy out there, which can help people earn money in a consistent manner. Even the best traders had to face perilous times before earning their existing place of prominence.

Binary Options end up being gambling only if you allow it, if you use it like a non sense, buying and selling without knowing the background of the commodity will probably make you gamble, some people like that, but others that seek a more solid way to earn money to the proper research and find out opportunities that are certain. Basically if you do your homework you will have a high percentage of success on binary options and most importantly fast results.

Finding The Right Broker For Binary Option Trading

Any form of trading venture is a risky business. Back in the days, only the rich and the elite could try their luck in the stock markets. The times have changed significantly and as of now; anyone can start binary option trading. Access to the exchange is provided through a broker. Finding the best brokers out there is one of the most ignored concepts. You have to realize that trading is akin to paying to battle your foes regardless of whether you come out of the ring dead or alive. This fee for entering and leaving the battle (i.e. options trading) can be high. The lucrative nature of the industry has prompted many people to enter the brokerage industry, and this is proving to be beneficial to the end users. Plenty of payment options are available for the grabs - you can pay small amounts per trade or pay a fixed amount in advance and trade in an unlimited manner.

The best way to start with a Binary Options is to learn and practise without risking your own money and then when you are sure you make your big deposit and start playing the real deal. My advice, go and try the no deposit Binary Option trading account, you can get as high as $100 without having to show your credit card! Just click the links above!

Why Bother With an Investment Portfolio Specialist?

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AppId is over the quota

Specialist investment firms can assist you not only to improve returns but reduce the investment risk that exists within your current portfolio. It helps if you know the basics of investing yourself. There are a number of key points that you should establish at outset.

What are your short, medium and long term objectives? You need to be sure that you are investing over the right time frame, so divide your investment monies up accordingly. Your portfolio's asset mix should mirror your goals at any point in time.

That key to long investing is ensuring you have the right mix of cash, bonds, uk equities, overseas equities and property investments. Getting that right is fundamental to any portfolio design.

Setting the right investment strategy is important, getting it right is likely to mean thousands of pounds more for you in the future.

You manage your investments yourself or you could engage an investment specialist to do this for you.
Create a portfolio that fits your requirements. Having a portfolio management specialist working with you would enable you to put together a portfolio that is bespoke and ensure that your asset mix fits your investment personality. Part of this process would be to determine your risk profile and then match this to portfolio, in addition they would take into account any specific requirements you have for cash on certain dates.
Setting the right type of asset allocation strategy. This could be passive asset allocation, a method that establishes a proportional combination of assets based on expected rates of return for each asset class. For example, if stocks have historically returned 10% per year and bonds have returned 5% per year, a mix of 50% stocks and 50% bonds anticipated return would be 7.5% per year. Or you might decide on a more active asset allocation strategy.
You don't have to deal with administrative tasks. Most portfolio arrangements nowadays significantly reduce time spent on administration of investments. This allows you and your adviser to focus more time on investment planning.
You can leverage a proportion of your investments. A professional adviser is likely to advise you to include investments trusts within your portfolio. These can often be bought at a discount to true value. Therefore over time this would have the effect of increasing your returns.

So, if you're thinking about choosing an investment specialist, with current market conditions, now is as good a time as any.

Ray Best provides wealth creation tax planning, and corporate planning for corporate and private clients through his business Pareto Lawrence. Ray Best is a published author in tax advisor magazine, and has published a number of books including Partnership and Shareholder Protection, Inheritance Tax My Way, Inheritance Tax Simplified (new).

Insolvency Service Vacancies: Looking Forward to a Debt Management Career

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AppId is over the quota

Many civil servants are currently interested in joining the ranks of insolvency service officers, which is why they're constantly on the lookout for service vacancies. The Insolvency provided is a government agency that commits to providing equal opportunities for its employees. Its objectives are primarily geared towards fair and effective handling of financial failure through a general entrepreneurial activity framework that helps reduce the burden financial failure renders individuals and businesses alike. Perhaps one of the reasons why many people are looking for insolvency service vacancies is that the service has already proven a lot and has even been given the Charter Mark award for public service excellence.

Insolvency Service Vacancies: Qualifications

Before you check out any insolvency service vacancies, you should make sure you have the qualifications and competencies that they're looking for in an applicant. What exactly are these qualifications and competencies? Well, the service generally looks for individuals with enquiring minds and the ability to deal objectively with legal and financial issues and materials. It's also important for you to have good communication and interpersonal skills if you want to become a service examiner. Furthermore, you should be well-organized and responsible. More importantly, you should be competent in both investigation and judgment, since the work of an examiner largely has to do with consumer debt management and you need to be really sharp and diligent.

Insolvency Service Vacancies: Recruitment

If you're lucky enough to find some insolvency vacancies and decide to undergo the recruitment process, then you'll likely be asked for some personal information. You can rest assured that any information you provide will be used only to process your application and will only be shared to the individuals who are directly involved in the recruitment and selection process. You'd also be pleased to know that the service holds no discrimination against any applicant on the basis of ethnicity, race, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or religious affiliation. In fact, all forms of discrimination are considered a disciplinary offence by the service.

Insolvency Service Vacancies: B1 Examiner Position

The B1 Examiner position is among the most basic positions in the agency and a B1 examiner is known as a front-liner in UK debt management and particularly in bankruptcy matters. When looking for insolvency service vacancies, this is perhaps the most commonly available, since it is an entry position. Once accepted as a B1 examiner, you'll be provided with the necessary training and required to undergo vocational study to earn a Personal Insolvency Practice Certificate. The responsibilities of a B1 examiner include conducting initial enquiries, interviews, and investigations on insolvency cases. And while B1 examiners don't have management responsibilities, they may sometimes be made to assist in training new examiners.

Entering the world of UK debt managementby becoming an insolvency examiner may indeed be a good move if you believe you have all the necessary qualifications and competence. The job offers you a healthy combination of stimulating work and wonderful growth opportunities in a highly specialized career. While there aren't any vacancies currently listed, many financial experts are urging the service to start recruiting new officers soon to make sure they can continue fulfilling their duties and functions. So, if you're serious about starting a career in debt management, then there's no reason to stop checking out insolvency service vacancies anytime soon.

Visit our main site for more insolvency service vacancies.

What is a business rules engine?

Business rule engines (BRE) be used to make effective and efficient automated decisions within the financial institutions (FIs). They facilitate the processes of consumer data analysis and House financial institution's business logic. Robust BREs existing legacy systems can improve inefficient processes, with the supplement effective steps in place. Best-in-class solutions have also real time capabilities, so that corporate decision consumers when interacting. Decisioning streamline processes increases the accuracy and consistency of decisions, as well as the total number of applications processed can be.

Consumer information can be decisioned in a business rules engine of the business logic. This is a set of rules for each FI is unique and is essentially their "special sauce". Based on their set of criteria, banks have different scoring models for consumer data, which leads to other general terms and conditions of products for consumers. Within the business logic, attributes, scorecards, and matrices, all to determine the calculated for every consumer product details. Because the same logic is used for all applications, decisioning accurate and consistent is enterprise-wide.

Top-of-line business rules modules can be used to replace inefficient portions of existing older infrastructure. Rather than "copy and replace" an entire system, banks applications on an external BRE, which can perform a predefined set of tasks, then again back to the existing legacy system to direct consumer applications. These can keep banks the elements of their process still work, but to replace those who hinder the rest of the process.

Modern BREs have also real time functions — they can return in seconds or even fractions of a second, an application of the decision and this decision. This allows corporate decision, consumers in the interaction, in both checks and consumer protection initiated situations. Prescreen as soon as the customer identified is, can analyze the Bank their information to determine what additional products or products for qualified is the consumer. Consumer initiated decisions once entered into the application of the system is the engine goes through the application and immediate results are the FI, if all conditions are met.

On the basis of the performance of BREs Fi can more applications in less time decision. Traditionally as manual reviews to applications completed were, a certain bias or error was inevitable. All applications with the exact same criteria, consistency and accuracy are decisioned with BREs.

Business rule engines offer a number of advantages for financial institutions including: keep the working functionality of your existing system, real time capabilities, as well as an increase in operational efficiency. They offer benefits for consumers including: consistency, accuracy and quick decision results. In short, BREs will improve to the availability for banks increased and the experience for consumers.

Hirschau Wallace is an SEO specialist and copywriter at Zoot enterprises in Bozeman, Montana.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Steps Involved With Saving More Money

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AppId is over the quota

How Can I Save Money?

I bet you're looking in the mirror right now wondering "how can I save money?". Money is a very emotive subject, so powerful it can bring a relationship to it's knees. Even the relationship with your parents.

There are plenty of ways that you can save money. I'm not going to go into intricate detail, just going to give you a brief overview. There are plenty of more in depth articles from experts in this field. I'm telling you from a layman's perspective.

How Can I Save Money Tip 1

When going to the supermarket, where possible pick the supermarket's own brand product, in most cases this is far cheaper than buying the well known brands. I find that with these well known brands you're really paying for the name, the ingredients within are the same. In some cases, the products are made at the same factory, they just stick a fancy label on the front and charge more money.

Also look for special offers like BOGOF (Buy One Get One Free). Look on the packaging for money off vouchers on your next purchase.

How Can I Save Money Tip 2

I hate the 2ps and 1ps you get in your change, instead of trying to foist them off on some shopkeeper, even though the vast majority of shopkeepers appreciate those 2ps and 1ps.

Get a container of some sort, for example a jam jar, or a whiskey bottle, or something similar. Get those 2ps and 1ps and put them in the jar and when the jar is full, go and get the money exchanged for vouchers or cash.

I use a Coinstar machine (a big blue machine found in supermarkets in the UK). Sure they take their cut from you to process the coins but it's well worth it. Also don't feel embarrassed about carrying containers full of coins to the machine. The people giving you funny looks are the ones who wish they had change to put through the machine.

I've even used carrier bags in the past to transport the coins.

How Can I Save Money Tip 3

If you've got a loyalty card for a supermarket, then make sure you use it, it won't save you money in the short term, but those vouchers that are sent to you in the post every 3 months really come in handy. They've got me out of trouble plenty of times when the moths have been attacking my money.

How Can I Save Money Tip 4

Look for deals online, there are plenty of voucher sites out there, that list voucher codes for a wide range of online and offline products. In some cases you can get up to 50% off the normal price. You can even get money off hotel rooms if you need a break away from the strains and stresses of life.

How Can I Save Money Tip 5

Credit cards, no I'm not going to tell you to cut them up. You can save money by simply switching to another credit card provider. Look for 0% APR deals and see how long the interest free offer lasts, also look for cards that offer a free balance transfer.

Why pay an extra 29.9% APR on your purchases when you can jump from card to card taking advantage of interest free deals? If you're unable to jump from card to card, then think about paying off the full balance each month. That way you won't get charged by your credit card company.

I hope that these tips have been of some use to you. So hopefully when you get up in the morning you won't be thinking to yourself "how can I save money?"

Richard Arblaster
Skype: wizard1974uk
Tel: +44 7562 979 308

I write articles about anything that interests me, my main passions are social media and finance. I'm also a great observer of people and the world around me, that is expressed in my articles.

So go ahead and visit my site now, you'll be glad you did, I might even be able to brighten your day.

Forex trading - is it really possible to make money in this way?

Are you planning Forex, trading, because you want to make some money on the side? Many people need new possibilities, money to earn is to complement their existing sources of revenue, because the economy still not look up and are hard to find and keep good paying jobs. Trading with Forex currency market is known, is to be very popular because this can happen anywhere, at any time, which is appropriate. However, you have every right to invest your hard earned money in this form of trade be careful.

At the beginning, it is important to know that many people make money through Forex trading and this is to earn a legitimate form of money. You can earn money from him, so long as you a few caveats. For starters, you will need at least the basics of this business. Fortunately, there are many resources that will help to provide you with the necessary information. In fact, most companies offer you a platform for trading on Forex basic give you education.

You become accurate tips, also in a position to make a lot of money on a regular basis, as long as what is to do, get. Many Forex trading platforms send a steady stream of recommendations at the right price, to the currency bought or sold to - another should be. These tips are invaluable to most people in the Forex trading, because it allows them without doing detailed analysis of the market.

One thing that you should be very careful, to remember is not to much to take advantage of your money. As long as you act with your own money you need to don't worry if the position back. If you trade with your own money, what will sell at a loss not only so that you have to return the money you borrowed. It's easy to forget that it always pretty costs connected with leverage.

Once you the hang of Forex trading are you quickly able it for a regular source of income depends on. If you are stay away behavior you extremely risky trade in a position to make money, without thinking about the loss of your capital.

Forex trading is a great way to make money, as long as you do the right things. Read about what you should do in order to earn a steady income in this way.

Binary Options - The Next Big Payday?

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AppId is over the quota

Firstly, what are Binary Options?

Finance is a field of derivatives. Options are simply a contract between two parties, where one will offer or sell and the other agrees to buy an asset that can be shares, currencies, bonds or commodities within a time frame. The buying party has the right to exercise his option at any time before expiration but is not obligated to. However the buyer will pay a fee for the options, which will be a proportion of the assets possible future value.

So effectively, you are placing a bet on whether a certain asset will be worth more or less by a certain date. If it is then you will gain, if not you will lose your initial bet. To traders this is an attractive prospect, because risk is calculated, you know how much you are set to lose should you get it wrong. Likewise you know how much you will gain. Also binary options are not affected by small fluctuations in the market.

So with this in mind it is quite popular with traders with Forex experience, or even people new to trading in general and wish to get a foot in the door that doesn't require months or research to understand.

Here are some of the common terms used in Binary Option investing

Strike Price - this is the price the underlying asset is at when the option is agreed.

Call Option - if this option expires above the strike price of the asset then it will be "in the money". If it expires below the strike price then the investment is "out of the money".

Put Option - if this option expires above the strike price of the asset then it will be "out of the money". If it expires below the strike price then it will deem the investment "in the money".

Underlying Asset - This is the share, commodity, currency pair or index on which the option is agreed.

Expiration - this is the date and time at which the option expires and can no longer be exercised by the buyer.

So as an affiliate, why would Binary Options be something you would market?

As mentioned above the risk is limited from the start. So new traders will find this as a good way to get into the market and learn how things work before moving into Forex where gains are larger, but so are the risks.

To successfully market Binary Options, emphasis has to be put on the simplicity of the process. There are two ways prices can go, you bet on which way. The amount you are set to lose is known beforehand.

As with Forex affiliates the potential is huge for well-run campaigns, particularly if you already have access to traders.

So get out there and start earning!

Sell-side analysts and their predictions

An analyst sales page is all about predicting what will come in the future. Finally, it is to find your job, to do as a company in 3 months or 6 months. This gives your company the idea of whether to invest in this company. This is a much harder work than it sounds. For example, a famous companies such as Apple and Google can. How should one to predict what they are going, in 6 months from now to do? The answer is difficult, especially if remember, think of their share price.

Technology has certainly helped, the sell side analyst and their work made in much easier. There are technologies that help to predict, market trends and what will happen to share prices in the coming months. These trends can generic and specific. For example, you could say the trend that oil companies have a lower share price, to experience due to the current market conditions. This will give you a good idea of what to do, that your company may have with oil company shares.

During the sell-side, which have been supported by technology analysts, there are still plenty on her work. Their predictions are the ones who can send the economy into a boom or bust. A sell side analyst should such as predictions, that it may be a housing bust in the near future. You can see the characters (slightly lower prices, too many homes on the market, population growth %, more unemployment) and predicting what will happen. It is these predictions that lead to create people that through the purchase of shares much celebrate or mourn the sale quickly and mini panic.

Analysts are also the major trades which can lead to investment banks and other companies. If you are by a great deal, it is important to see the impact of trade for your company. How much income will you make? Are you how safe, that you complete successfully able to trade? The task is to convince the Investment Bank, person or company to buy shares in companies (b). The analysts will pitch their case and show the data, which supports certain stock buying (or not buying). While companies and people have their own analysts, they are regarded as experts in their field at an investment bank.

If you are interested in best practices for working with a sell side analyst, visit our website to read informative articles.

Sell Your House Fast Using the Secret of the Easter Ham to Sell Houses Fast and Easy

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AppId is over the quota

If you have been trying to sell a house for too many months or even years let me assure you that it is permissible to learn from areas outside of real estate or even sales for ideas on how to sell your house fast.

And at this time of year the Secret of baking the Easter Ham is especially appropriate.

You probably know the story of the newlywed couple who are sharing their first Easter together and the husband notices that is wife has cut off the bottom two inches of the ham and thrown it away. When he asks why, the answer is "my mother taught me to do it that way."

Three years later they have Easter with his in-laws and sure enough his mother in law cuts off the bottom two inches of the ham before putting it in the pan to bake. And her reason is the same.

Another few years go by and the grandparents move to Florida, the family is all together for the next Easter and the husband gets the chance to ask what turns out to be the originator of the tradition why she cut off the bottom two inches of the pan.

"When we got married we were very poor and we only had one baking pan and it was too small to put the ham in so I had to cut off the bottom two inches."

The lesson of the Easter Ham is that it is permissible to ask why we do things the way we do, especially if the way we do things does not work in current times.

Most people looking to sell a house today only know one way. Imagine a line of circles from left to right. In the first circle is the seller, next to seller is a real estate agent representing the seller then a mortgage broker, then the lender, then the appraiser, then a home inspector, then a real estate agent for the buyer and finally the buyer.

Do you suspect that ALL of those people between you and the buyer want to get PAID?

WHICH CIRCLE on the chart do you suspect has the pocket from which the payment will come?

And that was fine five years ago. All of those people in the circles between you and the buyer were working hard to get the job done. And five years ago the job got done.

Today, not only do all the people in the circles between you and the buyer want to get paid, they are now working to not get the house sold. It may not be their fault and it is certainly not their desire, but things have changed.

The buyer's agent has a fiduciary obligation to see that you do not pay too much, the home inspector can be financially responsible if there is a problem he does not find so he will point out everything wrong. The mortgage broker now lives under new stringent rules which some politician thought would help you.

The lender also has a sharp eye on everything he does and his rules also come out of Washington. You have heard "I'm from the government and I am here to help?"

So this is still how we bake the Easter Ham today and as you have noticed that pretty much it does not work.

The houses that the appraiser is using for comparable sales are mostly bank- owned property selling at low prices and they may or may not be honest to goodness comparables, but they are what the appraiser has to use.

There are alternative ways to sell a house fast and for more money. Commercial real estate and large corporations have been using these methods for selling property and in fact entire nation wide corporations for years.

But their methods are not often used in residential real estate. One method I call the leveraged buyout, because the buyer uses the asset he buys to make the payments on the loan, usually by renting the property. I would call it seller finance if the buyer were to live in the house and leveraged buyout if he is going to rent it to make the payments.

Another method is called buying subject to in which we use the existing financing to sell the house

These methods cut out the middle men in the above diagram, or at least the ones who the real bottle neck in the sales process and allow a faster sale at a higher price

So for Easter 2012, you might want to get a bigger pan to cook the Easter Ham and check out the next four articles in this series which will explain these methods and how to use them and how to protect yourself from the risks involved.

George Beardsley has written extensively about business, starting as a financial reporter for the Chicago Tribune, editor for the financial publishing firm Dow-Jones Irwin, and articles for financial publications. He has written two books on options and recently published "911 for Landlords," an eBook combining cutting edge scientific research and "ancient secrets" for renting houses faster for more money and less stress. For the last two decades he has been buying houses fast as is, fixing and renting houses in Tampa Bay.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Borrowing Money From Family and Friends

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AppId is over the quota

It's the bane of all family relationships and friendships - borrowing money. Nothing is more sensitive and nothing else can kill a good relationship more than money matters. Anyone who has ever tried either borrowing from or lending money to a friend or family member will agree. Not only does this cause awkward situations, it can become the root cause of arguments and fights which may later lead to not speaking to each other completely. So how do you solve this problem when you really are in a fix and need some cash?

Desperate times call for desperate measures, true enough. If you find yourself in one of those situations wherein you really don't have any money and it's a relatively small amount that won't necessarily have you running to the bank for a loan, turn to a family member before asking a friend. Why? Simple - you can't change who your family members are. Should you fight over the loan later on, it won't change the fact that you're still family, so the chances for reconciliation are better.

If you intend to ask friends, borrowing money from your closest or oldest friend is the way to go. Never hit up people you're only on a first-name basis with, or people you've known less than a year. The reason behind this is plain - your closest and oldest friends are the ones who are most likely to know and understand your need for a loan and will be more discreet regarding the matter. Try borrowing money from a co-worker you're only on a passing acquaintance with and see how fast news of your "poverty" travels.

Just because you're borrowing from friends and family doesn't mean you should skip out on paying them, or that you have the green light to procrastinate on paying them back. It helps to have clear terms from the beginning. If the amount is something you can't pay back at once, you can work payment out, like monthly or weekly until you are able to pay off your debt. The key here is discipline - pay them back immediately or else you won't have a next time should you once again be hard-strapped for cash.

Don't make a habit out of borrowing money. It's not a good practice and it will lead you to incur debts that keep getting bigger and bigger, and before you know it, you'll find yourself owing many people with no way to pay them back. Ask for a loan only when absolutely necessary and keep in mind that what goes around, comes around so be willing to help others out when they need it, too!

Make Money Online By Trading Forex

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AppId is over the quota

There are many ways to make money online and trading Forex is one of the most exciting online opportunities. Forex or foreign exchange trading is the buying and selling of currency for profit. It may sound scary to people and some may even think it is a scam. However, there are a lot of people who have made fortunes by speculating on the rise and fall of currency values.

Things To Consider

Before embarking on a Forex trading venture online, it is important to educate yourself about the trade. You do not have to buy expensive informational materials online because Forex brokers all over the Internet provide free educational materials in the form of e-books, Web content articles, and training videos. The only thing you need to do is take advantage of these educational materials.

Trading Forex is not as easy as it may seem. Some people online talk as if you can make a lot of money instantly by speculating on currency values. However, it takes time to learn how to win most of the time. Since Forex is always based on speculation, there will always be a time when you will lose money. In fact a lot of people often lose money on every trade because of several factors.

One of the factors that make people lose money from trading is lack of education and practice. Most foreign exchange brokers provide practice platforms. You only need to sign in and create an account on their website and use their demo account feature to practice real-time trading. With sufficient education and practice, you can determine if you are ready to trade in real currency or not.

Getting Advanced Training

There are several ways to win in every trade. First of all, consider getting advanced training in fundamental analysis and technical analysis. Once you master these two strategies, you are more than ready to trade in real currency and win most of the time. Therefore, find a mentor who can teach you proper technical analysis and fundamental analysis so that you can gain advantage over every position you take.

Indeed it is expensive to get one-on-one training from a qualified coach, but it is necessary if you want to really make money out of every trade you make. There are times when you will lose. However, if you are well trained and properly educated in effective trading strategies, you will learn to minimize your losses and maximize your wins.

How much are you making in  forex at the moment? Is it something you can be proud of?
In order to earn the most out of  foreign exchange trading, learn from the experts.

Forces Cracking Down on Fake Collections Calls

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AppId is over the quota

In recent news, a United States district court has ruled that certain collections agencies are operating illegally. What was happening was that people were getting calls from an institution that was claiming to be a legitimate collections agency. The illegal operation collected money from people who actually had no debt owed or had no debt owed to that particular company. The debts in question were payday loan debts. According to reports, this illegal institution also posed as law enforcement in an attempt to intimidate people into paying them money.

A payday loan is also often known as a payday advance or cash advance and is a small loan taken out against a person's actual paycheck. A customer must provide certain information to get these advances, such as evidence of being on a payroll as well as employment records. Unfortunately, some companies abuse this industry by posing falsely as a legitimate payday advance company in order to obtain money fraudulently. Many people find themselves somehow on collections lists and get calls from agencies multiple times a day. For those who have done everything right as far as payment, this can be a frustrating occurrence.

Creditors are legally not allowed to participate in what is known as "harassment" in order to obtain payment. What legitimate advance companies will do is allow a person who has provided adequate information to take out a loan against their next paycheck with the promise by the customer that it will be paid in the future. In the event that a customer does not pay back their loan, they will be called by the company or an outside collections agency in order to have the payment made. This should take place only in the event that there is an outstanding payment on behalf of the customer. Those who have been experiencing calls such as this that they believe to be fraudulent are encouraged to contact authorities.

Companies who are making illegitimate calls can be fined as much as $10,000 per phone call, which is what is needed sometimes to shut down an operation such as this. In the recent case listed above, a U.S. district court even got involved to shut this fraudulent company down. No one wants to have to worry about fake collections calls, especially when they are dealing with a legitimate company. When you need to take out a loan or a payday advance you need to make sure you are dealing with a name that you can trust. Thoroughly investigate a company's background before giving them any of your information. Payday advances are a perfectly legitimate way to take out a loan, you just have to go about it the proper way.

PayDay2Go is one of those legitimate companies that can provide you with the loan that you need when you are in a financial bind. It actually acts as a financial matching service in that it matches borrowers with lenders in order to help people get things like payday loans, cash advances and more. There is no need to fear getting illegitimate calls because PayDay2Go has been around for 10 years and they consistently provide quality service to their clients. Contact their firm today for more information on payday loans online.

The financial fear epidemic!

Find yourself checking your Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media site known, that man every time you go to check your bank account? The wallet will open to a full blown cold sweat? If this is the case, you need to make financial.

Do not worry you, because you are not alone. Financial woes is incredibly widespread. In an informal poll conducted by seven out of ten people responded that she are very stressed about their financial situation. Twitter receives financial fear enter long strings comment about how terribly anxious people are and such as the global financial problems only make it worse.

Here, I'll be a slight distraction to take and say that if you think that you can have problems, depression or generalized anxiety disorder, you should see a professional. Generalized anxiety disorder and depression are very real and very sociable problems should be taken seriously and professionally handled.

Financial worry is the fear and concern felt about the financial affairs of the size of the bank account up to where to invest money. The global financial situation led to widespread feelings of unrest and instability, which can extend in full-blown anxiety when left unattended. The characters of the financial woes are similar to the signs of a different kind of fear: distraction, constant concern, agitation, irritability, concentration disorders, sleep disorders, muscle tension, headaches, sweating and nausea. However, these are care and fears connected with financial and caused worry.

Financial can arrange to fear in each, but result in the widespread panic that currently is also the General nervousness in someone with a dwindling bank account from this. In today's hyper-connected world we are constantly with information, by the inconsequential to out to worldwide important attacked. And about the disorientation that a such information overload, seems to be so much of bad news. How can a person possibly with such a flood of bad news remain positive? How can a person with financial woes around or even?

An idea is to reduce the amount of information that you are currently viewing. Sharon Begley in their magazine Newsweek article "I can't believe" concerned at the impact that this flow of information. Informally called Twitterization, leads this overload of information people of bad decisions as had when she limited information or none at all. Normally we recommend for someone to study and do research before too much financial decisions; Natalia Jones points out, this is a good way to alleviate financial woes and feel about your situation more control. However, there are to consider other things such as the source of this information and its sound. If all what you hear is negative, there is not much hope for a positive view.

Much fear is about feeling of control and uninformed. To do a good thing for everyone, but especially for those financially involved, is to develop a budget. On one side, look at how much money you monthly, on average it is your income not from month to month. On the other hand list of all your monthly payments, the necessary (housing, food, electricity, etc.) and the warning, these costs are set (the same every month) and variable, and unnecessary divided (clothing, food, etc.). In this way, you can see all of the transactions that occur during one month on a piece of paper. Also, if you can, consider your variable costs and see what you can cut them. While this may take into account not the unexpected, it will give you a better understanding about the expected and more control over your budget.

When we are faced with fear-causing problems, we often about actions that have helped us in the past return. But if the situation that you that you developed these reactions for these strategies currently in others, no longer works. Instead, try something new. Lose your job in an industry that shrinks or outsourced, you probably not in a position to find a job in this area easily or at all. Finding instead enter an other industry, preferably a, which is full of jobs, such as technology and health services. If none of these appeal to your tastes, you try something the you passionate about are. If you are enthusiastic about something, you will be more willing to work hard and sacrifice it. In a troubled economy it's time to try something new out, go back to school and to follow your dreams.

If you take this action, you can still find themselves anxious feel. There are numerous measures you can take to keep quiet. Breathing exercises and meditation can help to all kinds of fear, to relieve including those by financial worries. Another way to deal with financial woes is positive things and determine what you do and have no control over. Accept that you are everything, especially the global problems cannot, control the financial worry for so many people that have caused help feel you more control over your personal situation. Focus on your successes, save a little every day on a hard financial decision, what do you do feel better about where you stand and the progress you make.

Accounting As the Language of Business

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AppId is over the quota

Accounting is commonly referred to as the "language of business" because it is a method of communicating financial information. One of the purposes of any language is to enable the communicator to communicate a message to all people in a clear and concise manor. In order to make accounting a standard way to communicate, accounting language contains accounting principals, concepts, and standards that have been developed over a long period of time that are now commonly used in any legitimate businesses, regardless of size.

By looking at a company's financial reports, one can not only learn whether or not the company is earning a profit, but it is also possible to gain an understanding of where the company has been in the past, and where it might go in the future. An income statement is not the only indicator of a company's performance. To gain a full understanding, one must also look behind the scenes at the balance sheet.

The balance sheet can be intimidating to the inexperienced accountant, or to an employee who does not get involved with the financial aspects of the company. But it is an absolutely necessary report in order to see the big picture. The purpose of the balance sheet is to show the financial position of a company at a specific point in time. It shows the company's assets (things the company owns that can be converted into cash), liabilities (something that the company owes, or a financial obligation), and equity (also known as net worth). If the liabilities exceed the assets, then there is negative equity, and vice versa if the assets were to exceed the liabilities.

This formula is also known as the balance sheet equation: Assets = Liabilities + equity. Let's say a company has $500 in assets, and $300 in liabilities. After the liabilities are paid off, the company is left with $200 in equity (500 = 300 +200). Looking from the other way around, if a company has $300 in assets, and $500 in liabilities, there will be a negative net worth of $200 (300 = 500 + (-200)).

Another important concept to grasp when looking at a balance sheet is understanding debits and credits. Debits and credits are the two sides of each financial transaction. Every debit transaction must have a corresponding credit transaction, and vice versa. It is important to know that a debit transaction will increase an asset account and decrease both a liability and equity account. A credit transaction will do the opposite. For example, if a company purchases $1,000 worth of merchandise, Inventory (asset) would increase by $1,000, and cash (also an asset) would decrease by the same amount. In the situation there would be a credit entry to cash causing a decrease, and a debit entry to inventory causing an increase. When the merchandise is bought or consumed, there is a credit entry decreasing the inventory, and a debit entry to the income statement.

In most cases, all asset accounts will have a debit balance, and liabilities will have a credit balance. There are certain times where there are exceptions to this general rule of thumb. When an asset account should have a credit balance, this is called a contra asset. An example of a contra asset is accumulated depreciation. Depreciation is when the cost of an asset is recognized over its useful life to the entity. For example, if an entity bought machinery that cost $10,000 and has a useful life of 5 years, $10,000 would be entered as a debit entry in an account that might be called "machinery". Each year, there would be a $2,000 credit entry to and account called "accumulated depreciation" (The debit entry would be on the income statement). A contra asset can be thought of as a subtraction to an asset account. At the end of the first year, the machinery account would still have the debit balance of $10,000, and the accumulated depreciation account would have a credit balance of $2,000, leaving the value of the machinery at $8,000.

All in all, the balance sheet is an important tool that is necessary to measure the financial situation of a company. It is not the only tool needed, but without looking at and understanding the balance sheet, one will not have a full understanding of a companies finances.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Credit Score Models

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AppId is over the quota

What is credit scoring model?

A credit scoring model is a package designed with either formulas or a set of rules to analyze an individual's statement of account. This is a process undertaken by lenders and credit card issuers so as to reduce risks of accumulated bad debt, and more so minimize the issuance of loans to individuals who portray poor credit score.


Judgmental credit scoring model

As the name suggests, it is an evaluator system based on aspects such as credit report ratios, paying history, bank references, and credit agency recommendations. A summery of these is done and fair judgment is made reflecting a person's creditworthiness.

Statistical credit scoring model

This modern model type is slightly different, because it does not depend on the judgment made by the credit administrative board. It is a more complicated process which involves analyzing a persons credit records together with the credit agency information. It is also a more accurate computerized procedure which uses data from one or numerous firms to establish an individuals credit score.

The logic used

A credit score is a compiled historic report articulated numerically to ascertain an individual's qualification for a loan; it clearly shows his or her borrowing and paying behaviors. This information is needed by lenders to set interest rate on loans to be offered to an individual based on his/ her creditworthiness. For instance, if a person has got a doubtful repayment history or any legal adjudicated debts like tax, he will pay higher annual interest rate on any loan. While clients with reputable credit worthiness will pay lower annual interest rates on the same amount.

As a rule, a person with trustworthy credit score often enjoys the following benefits;

-Medical loans at lower payable interest rates

-Apparent job offers- individual appears more planned and able to manage things.

-Loans for automobile

-Mortgage loans.

It is therefore importance for an American dweller to put these details in account, due to the fact that once an individual is declared bankrupt; it becomes very difficult to wipe away bad credit reports. In addition, these, reports can stay longer than even ten years. Professionally, it is clear that filling for bankruptcy is not the best way out, this is because it will completely deform an individuals' credit score.

How to improve your score

Here are some good protocols that can enable young families and educated individuals to meet their set goal of owning house, car or even meeting medical bills by increasing their credit score;

-Use of secure credit cards with limit reported by issuers.

-Ensure perfect credit card update.

-Resolving financial records like credit card by paying on time

-An individual should not exhaust all his/ her credit every month.

-A young coupled family can seek room to be the authorized user of an old relatives' credit card.

-Student can seek programs such as (student loans, William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program) to help them settle their loan payment or set them on safe track.

-Ensuring that old and paid debt reports are updated, this can be approved though a written agreement.

Building a better Commission sharing agreement

The questions from the Commission arrangements or CSAs parts are pretty much a blur for most people and investment institutions. Today we tackle, how CSA can compensate for type agreements on research and other utilities, which yielded by a particular company be established.

Commission joint agreement type agreements have been for quite some time, with a variety of members appointed Commission or independent CSA agreements well underway the unpacking. Last 2006, were independent CSAs of common form to set up commissions. This began a negotiation between a supplier research and an executive broker. The broker is responsible for managing workflow and variable execution of revenues will reach and then compensate for a negotiated research variable to the research supplier, which relies on about split between research and executive agents on an agreed.

Regardless, negotiated the research supplier a money handler with expertise in research and Consulting offer. It is negotiated that the payment is mechanics a Commission share with a REALTOR. The money handler will direct specific offers to the executive broker, informed that the offers for the account of the respective supplier are research. At regular intervals, the executing broker of research supplier will be its share.

Independent Commission on common agreement structures are less mainstream than they were, even though several important Executive broker running still versions of the United Kingdom and most independent research one suppliers root significant part of their commissions through the route yet.

There are various advantages brought from the development of CSA agreements. As the market leaders and experts, CSAs are reportedly a very positive undertaking, especially money handler and independent research companies. A big advantage for CSAs is that it has matched more playing fields in the allocation of research content. Discrete costs of together with similar information and records research needs for the research executive brokers and research have suppliers connected clients better to determine whether or not the value for money on the purchase of research with the use of commissions consumers rather than the viability in a bundled setting is reached.

A further advantage of inform better Commission of building agreement structures is that money handlers are better ability to find viable executions. CSAs will allow consumers to negotiate with the Executive broker of your choice during the execution point, focus improvement of trading desks, the best possible designs, where you continue the Fund handlers for research utilities from different vendors to compensate.

If you sharing agreement are interested in best practices to the Commission, please visit our website to read informative articles.

Understanding The Forex Trade

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Der Forex-Handel ist eine der lukrativsten Investitionen, die jeder mitmachen kann. Der Handel umfasst grundsätzlich einen Austausch der Währungen aller Länder. Dieses Risiko kann jemand eine gute Summe Geld geben, wenn sie es auf die richtige Weise teilnehmen. Gewöhnlich ist es wichtig für jeden, der will sich den Handel, vor allem eine gewisse Menge an Geld haben, die eingestellt ist als ein Anfangskapital. Es ist auch wichtig, dass Kapital keine riesige Summe Geld sein muss, aber muss den zulässigen Mindestbetrag entsprechen.

Haben Sie das Geld beiseite, ist die nächste Sache, die Sie tun sollten, für einen Broker suchen. In der Tat niemand kann den Handel beitreten, es sei denn, sie es durch einen Makler, und warum ist es immer wichtig tun, eine Broker mit Bedacht zu wählen. Eine lässige Forschung ist in der Lage, Sie nur zu offenbaren, die einige der besten Broker sind und warum sollten Sie mit ihnen arbeiten. Sie müssen immer sicherstellen, dass Sie sich mit Makler, der einige Erfahrung in Fremdwährungen haben.

Deshalb, weil es die einzige Möglichkeit ist, die Sie ihrem Fachwissen sicher sein können. Wenn Sie den am besten geeigneten Broker gefunden haben, dann erhalten eine Menge hilfreiche Informationen von ihnen nur wie Sie gehen über den gesamten Handel Sie. Sie werden in der Lage, beraten Sie, auf welche Währungen sollten Sie im Handel und wenn Sie es tun sollten.

Es ist auch von entscheidender Bedeutung für wer will an den Handel zu verstehen, dass dies eine Investition ist, die nicht wirklich, Qualifikation brauchen. Was heißt, dass jedermann, das den Handel in ihrem Land volljährig erreicht hat den Handel leicht beitreten kann, ohne sich Sorgen über Zertifizierung und Fähigkeiten oder so wie die Dinge.

Eine weitere wichtige Sache zu beachten ist, dass beim Forex Handel, eine entspannte Zeit zur Durchführung ihrer Geschäftstätigkeit man nicht. Dies bedeutet, dass Sie Ihren eigenen Zeitplan festlegen können, wie Sie für richtig halten können. Sie sollten auch wissen, dass der Handel, vierundzwanzig Stunden am Tag stattfindet und so gibt es keine zeitliche Begrenzung auf Wenn Sie Ihren Transaktionen machen sollte. Dies sind nur einige der wichtigsten Dinge, die jeder kennen sollte, wenn den Forex-Handel teilnehmen wollen.

Die Ankunft der verschiedenen Forex-trading-Systeme macht das Geschäft sehr kompliziert heute. Deshalb sollte Sie in der Lage, eine Technik, die einfach effektiv ist der Devisenhandel zu entwickeln.

Bull Markets and the Emerald City

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AppId is over the quota

In the classic book The Wizard of Oz, the Wizard decreed that everyone who entered the Emerald City wear green-tinted glasses. Visitors and citizens were told that this was to protect them from the "brightness and glory." In truth, though, the Wizard had lost his mojo and become a run-of-the-mill charlatan. There was no brightness and glory, just an ordinary city built out of stone and glass.

Bull markets are Emerald Cities of our own making. In a bull market it is decreed that investors and the media shall wear green-tinted glasses. Suddenly, all economic news and fundamental facts turn green and glittery - there is no bad news, only shades of good.

In a bear market the mandate is different: Everyone is to wear red-tinted glasses. The Emerald City is no more. Now all news comes in three shades of Soviet Kremlin red: bad, ugly and downright devastating.

This happens because we are human. The pressure of rising prices in bull markets or falling prices in bear markets leads us to engage in backward analysis. Instead of first analyzing the events and only then forming an opinion, we look at the market reaction to the news and let it dictate what we should think.

In the long run, stock prices follow fundamentals like cash flow and earnings growth. In the short run - well, this old cowboy saying tells it all: "Nobody but cattle know why they stampede, and they ain't talking."

The danger of wearing glasses determined by the market is that reality will not be suspended forever, no matter the tint of your shades. By following the "color decree," you are effectively taking advice from the market on how to analyze, what to pay attention to and what to buy or sell. This is the sure road to buy-high-sell-low despair. The market is the worst giver of advice - it's prone to tell you what you should have done, not what you should do.

Before the market mandated green glasses in October, investors were wearing blood-red shades. They were dreading significant risks threatening the global economy. Let's quickly run through them and see if much has changed.

European recession and debt crisis: Greece went through an orderly default, the European Central Bank pumped liquidity into the system, and European bond yields declined. But a recession precipitated by governmental austerity is not off the table, and the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) still have to figure out how they will deal with their debt and lack of economic competitiveness.

Unraveling of the Chinese overcapacity bubble and potential hard landing: The Chinese government has guided growth down to 7.5 percent, but this may prove to be wishful thinking on its part. Cement and steel production has fallen, car sales are off, and Chinese manufacturing has contracted sharply for five months in a row.

Middle East tensions: An attack by Israel or the U.S. on Iran's nuclear facilities would lead to a jump in oil prices and instability in the region. With the latest rhetoric from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Obama, this risk has greatly increased.

Japanese debt bubble: Japan is still the most indebted nation in the developed world and pays the lowest yields on its debt. Its population has aged six months since October and is that much closer to the tipping point where Japan's savings rate turns negative and internal demand for its debt drops off a cliff. Disastrously higher interest rates, rising inflation and other fun stuff are sure to follow.

U.S. housing market: There are a lot of positive signals coming from this dark corner of the economy, but the question still remains: Will the housing market recover if interest rates inch higher from their all-time lows? That's unlikely, because housing is too addicted to low interest rates. As a result, the recovery will have a lot of fits and starts.

U.S. corporate profit margins: They've hit record highs and risk declining toward their rightful place, leading to a drop in earnings. The U.S. needs robust economic growth for the margin problem to go away. The economy has shown improvement, but its rate of growth is unlikely to offer much excitement considering all the factors I've mentioned above.

U.S. budget deficit: The U.S. still has a tremendous hole in its budget, and nothing has been done to fix it. So far, the Super Committee, which was created to come up with a legislative solution, has not lived up to its name.

The danger of investing by "color decree" is that you start ignoring the negatives and positives, taking on more risk than you intended during the green phase and focusing only on risk during the red phase. So if you find that the recent market rally has you wearing green glasses, slip them off and take another look, because the global economy is still facing plenty of headwinds.

Visit for weekly commentary and money advice that covers the entire financial spectrum which also airs on my weekly radio show, "On The Money!"

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Steven L. Pomeranz, CFP is a 29 year investment management veteran and host of "On The Money!" which airs on NPR station, WXEL in South Florida. He concentrates on serving high net-worth individuals and has been named one of the Top 100 Wealth Advisors 2007, by Worth magazine (October 2007 Issue), honoring America's premier financial and wealth strategists.

A change in banking: multi-channel integration

In recent years, financial institutions (FIs) have many changes, including seen: interaction between consumers and banks, which channels for consumer processes used for banks and what products are used by consumers. Banks can address these changes through the use of multichannel integration.

Multichannel Integration is achieved through a platform that connects every communication channel. This platform tracks how consumers contact the FI, how often they use every channel and what kind of accounts access consumers. Banks benefit because all the consumer from all channels, information is compiled in the form of a holistic customer profile. As integration platforms details of past practices to collect, FIs 'get to know' their customers and are better able to serve them and make offers that are likely to be accepted.

This software is especially beneficial because consumers will quickly change interact with FIs; While brick and mortar storefronts still used, methods of interaction began in the late 1990s years with the advent of Internets--move this quickly led to the use of online banking. In recent years, it has a faster adoption of mobile banking. Because of the convenience of online and mobile banking decide to consumers just do banks processes remote and use branches, especially for more complex problems. Since banks is available online via computer or Smartphones, the FIs are banks perform processes, even if no physical branches are open.

How can financial institutions use even more these changes to their advantage? With the use of multichannel integration institutions get a more holistic view of the consumer and have this information at every point of interaction. This leads to consistent key messages and product offerings, regardless of which used the consumer channel. This is also useful, as on previous behavior and the opportunity to access requirements for other products, the FI can know which products qualified consumers themselves for and increase the efficiency of cross-selling effort which these products would be most relevant.

How does all consumers use them? With multi-channel integration, they are given a consistent behavior through every channel and offers are only products that are likely to accept.

Multi channel integration is a type of technology that not only to the needs of the consumer is, but gives insight into customer behaviour also institutions. Serve customers, with this insight that can better Fi to and provide customers with a good experience, even without a physical branch.

Kelty is a SEO specialist and copywriter for Zoot company in Bozeman, Montana.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Trading technologies can change regulation strategies.

The purchase unit is a supported company, which is a system to track markets that it has created an advantage not found from another organization. The manner in which the platform is designed is clearly (enough), where the Organization leasing business intelligence uses the method. The extent in which founded the organisation of trading technologies, could be destroyed or forced completely disintegrate!

Three organizations in the United States will finally decide whether technology should be regulated: Securities Exchange Commission, commodity futures trading Commission and Congress. Each of these units have the right, where, if no change is entitled, the scope of trading technologies change, can a recommendation will be issued to the Congress by the SEC or CFTC declare, that trade technologies should be regulated. The actions of this government commissions only increase or the complexity of the current regulation. Such a recommendation is not far away, and is getting closer to realization!

The public sector is access to trading driven markets from selling arm, but indexes, and fund management companies are without this advantage during the after acute intelligence, business practices that create products and services have an advantage. The market is moved from both sides while it to assume control is an abomination of the trade. The buy side must produce to offer any legal method of business intelligence or to increase profits. This is not only the point!

The buy side is a business, underlines the importance of market-tracking and business intelligence. Existence based on the performance of their established trading technology mutual funds and indices. Legally, the Organization shall not be obliged to allow the public access to the information, but the information serve a purpose in letting the intelligence data more either to affiliated or associated subsidiaries. The data buying platform page market data are used several times by the second and third markets. Regulation will change the strategies of funds and indices without a doubt!

Many of the laws enacted, govern today to financial trading are rhetorical and repetitive. The acts provide with pin, fraudulent acts consequences not always a means to an end. In fact, the decline in fraudulent behavior through proactive monitoring, the official government commissions, had added the sell-side. The sell-side is however more stable resources due to the larger backers and driver. The buy side is often without these resources.

Trading technologies change so fast that you have a lot to keep need to read with trends; Valuable information, visit our Web site.

4 Reasons to choose of the local banks about national banks

Are there traditionally two types of banks to choose from. Instead of choosing a National Bank, which has sites anywhere in the country, to provide a neighborhood bank the same services. There are many reasons for the decision to local banks, therefore, you must take care always advertising for what a National Bank offers.

1. Local banks offer better loans. If you are trying to get a loan for get it easier to one by a neighborhood bank in contrast to a National Bank. The reason for this is because they understand the challenges of local businesses and residents.

2. Interest rates are better. If you are looking for a high price for your savings account, checking account, or even a CD, you'll find that the prices are higher, if you local bank. Local banks not often spend a lot of money for advertising. Instead, use pay them the money to their customers higher prices.

3. Customer service is friendly. Countless customers have national banks. It is impossible for the Bank to know who you are. As a result, you are just a number. A neighborhood bank are in the location, you and your family and know the rules easier to turn.

A local bank has to answer no corporate office. The advantage is that they not as strict with their policies and procedures, which often is to your advantage. This means that you get more individual service, if you talk to anyone at the Bank on financial issues, you have. Many take the time to sit down and talk to you like a real person instead of you treat as a different account number.

4. Fees are lower. The neighborhood banking centers have lower fees for checking accounts. These include charges for transactions, use a debit card and even with controls. You must do this to effectively compete with other banks. As a result many customers would save more on a daily basis with their bank as a branch in every city of the country.

If you looking for a new Bank, there to examine options out there for you to do business. While a National Bank makes a lot of advertising, it is not always the best way to take. There are a number of reasons why it is better to choose local banks on national banks. The customer service alone can be value there. But not better interest rates, better credit and better fees hurt sure either.

Julian Bradshaw wanted a Colorado Bank find that had everything, what he, including free, mobile banking and more needs. Guarantee Bank and trust company is the right place for private and business banking in Colorado.

Various aspects of Forex education

If you want to make serious money Forex trading, you need to take seriously Forex education. Before trade and it jeopardize your money in the market, think twice. Ask yourself whether you have sufficient training in the actual trading. Ask if your training is enough to ensure the safety of your transactions. Here are the various aspects that you need to consider about Forex:

Basic education

Basic education includes knowing what is Forex, the different terminologies used in the trade, brokers are what and how trading works. You will receive the most basic educational information on the websites of the FX trading broker. Training and materials in these Web sites are free of charge. Therefore have to buy any amount of money, to spend e-books, the basic currency education offer exchange. Just visit FX sites and watch the educational e-books, articles, or videos.

Fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis is a school of thought in Forex trading where traders to the current economic situation, which looks currency value determines whether a long or short affect in a trade. Economic news on a regular basis before you act on a trade, as well as check to do so. In other words, the dealer in external factors affecting currency value sees. To understand how works, fundamental analysis, you must the subject in detail from a book, from a video or the experts to study directly.

Technical analysis

In contrast to fundamental analysis technical analysis requires the use of charts, graphics and the flow of value of the currency to determine whether a long or short. This school of thought has its basis on the concept that repeating history. Certain patterns in the graph are usually again in the future. There are several tools that you can use graphical data analysis. Some of these tools can be very complex. Therefore, it is necessary, how to properly use these tools to study the success of technical analysis.

Forex stop education to bring not after learning the basics of FX trading. To become a successful trader, you need to master fundamental analysis and technical analysis as well as. These are the two main schools of thought in any kind of trade. Some people prefer fundamental analysis only. Others want to use technical analysis only. When it comes to what strategy to choose, practice on a demo account and find out which one works for you best.

The Forex rebellion is things to make always a little more competitive techniques.While you as a smart dealer, view must always on the basic FX trading strategies.

Goodwill Impairment Testing

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

Accounting standard setters face a perpetual challenge in balancing relevance and reliability when establishing generally accepted accounting principles. This tension is especially heightened when the nature of the economic information concerns intangible assets. We know that Goodwill is an "Intangible Asset" resulting from a "Business Combination" and is defined "as the excess cost of an acquired company over the sum of identifiable net assets." Critical issues in accounting for Goodwill involve "Valuation" and "Amortization", the "Purchase Method" vs. "Pooling-of-Interests Method" of accounting for "Business Combinations."

A goodwill valuation and impairment opinion from appraisal economics is the product of a comprehensive analysis that takes into account all areas of concern to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Both US GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the US) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) require write-downs of impaired assets and recognition of an impairment loss. With an intangible asset like goodwill, it's hard to find quality rules that govern its measurement. In 2001, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) 142, Goodwill and other Intangible Assets. It made major changes to the accounting treatment of goodwill for the first time in over 30 years. These changes occurred concurrently with the issuance of SFAS 141, Business Combinations. Henceforth, all Business Combinations must be accounted for using the purchase method with Goodwill treated as an asset on the balance sheet that must be regularly reviewed for impairment. The pooling-of-interests method, that avoided the goodwill issue entirely, is no longer allowed and Goodwill is not amortized.

The new accounting rules have had a substantial effect on financial statements, as evidenced by an analysis of the 100 public companies with the largest reported goodwill balances. One-third of these 100 companies wrote off about 30% of their goodwill when they transitioned to SFAS 142. Further, with the elimination of the previous goodwill amortization requirements, there will be a likely increase in these 100 companies' reported annual profits of the magnitude of $20 - $25 billions. Changes of this magnitude create difficulties for users of financial statements in estimating trends and forecasting future performance. And the nominal tax-related cash flow effects associated with these changes demand that more attention be paid to operating cash flow when assessing a company's financial performance.

Under IAS 36, Impairment of Assets, requires a comparison of the carrying amount of a cash generating unit to the recoverable amount, as represented by the highest of 'value in use' and 'fair value less cost to sell'. In practice, the 'value in use' methodology is most frequently applied. This, in essence, involves discounting expected future cashflows. With decreased cashflow forecasts, increased discount rates and decreased long-term growth rates. It may seem impossible to avoid a goodwill write-down. Goodwill impairment is a growing threat to many enterprises.

The Financial Accounting Standards Board has finalized a new standard aimed at further simplifying how organizations test goodwill for impairment. The recently released standard - known as Accounting Standards Update No. 201108, Intangibles-Goodwill and Other (Topic 350): Testing Goodwill for Impairment - includes amendments intended to address concerns expressed by private companies about the cost and complexity of the previous goodwill impairment test.

The amendments allow both public and nonpublic entities the option to first assess qualitative factors to determine whether it is necessary to perform the two-step quantitative goodwill impairment test. In the first step, the fair value of the reporting unit is estimated. If this amount is less than the unit's book value, then the second step is to determine the fair value of goodwill by subtracting estimates of the fair value of all other net assets from the initial aggregate estimate. If this residual is less than the book value of goodwill, the difference is written off as impairment. If implemented properly, the fair value test should trigger impairments more quickly than the undiscounted cash flow test. Under that option, an entity no longer would be required to calculate the fair value of a reporting unit unless the entity determines, based on that qualitative assessment, that it is more likely than not that its fair value is less than its carrying amount. The guidance also includes examples of the types of events and circumstances to consider in conducting the qualitative assessment. The amendments are to be effective for annual and interim goodwill impairment tests performed for fiscal years beginning after Dec. 15, 2011, although early adoption is also permitted.

It is imperative to study goodwill write-offs as it provides us information regarding how a shift towards more relevant accounting information, possibly at the expense of reliability, affects the content of accounting. Since goodwill impairments have been found to be the largest type of long-lived asset write-offs, the study of these charges is important.

Inverse ETF Investments and How to Utilize Them in Today's Market

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AppId is over the quota

While many people are familiar with buying and selling stocks on the stock market, there are a few less-common approaches to investing that have great potential for making profit. One such investment is the inverse exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Inverse ETFs are when an investor uses various assets and derivatives, such as options, in order to create a profit when the underlying index declines in value. Essentially, one index will profit, when another index goes down. This makes it a great tool for bearish investors.

There are many advantages of investing in an Inverse ETF. Exchange-traded funds are easy to use, feature lower fees, and have great tax advantages. Also, if you own an account that does not allow short selling, you can purchase an Inverse ETF in order to have the same position for investing as a short ETF. Even though an Inverse ETF acts like a "short" position, you are actually purchasing the funds which means you do not need to hold a margin account as you would when making a "short" investment.

By purchasing an Inverse ETF, you can hedge your portfolio exposure if you have a downside risk in a particular index or sector. Another fantastic reason to consider this investment strategy is because your risk is limited to the purchase price of the fund. If you short sell in any other investment you could potentially have an unlimited loss. An Inverse ETF, on the other hand, provides many of the same benefits as short selling, but it only exposes the investor to the loss of the purchase price.

Utilizing Inverse ETFs to accomplish a wide range of investment goals from establishing hedges in their portfolios to speculating on a pullback of prices has become an increasingly popular investment choice among investors. When used in the correct manner, these products can be extremely powerful but should be used with caution as they can come with a number of risks for an investor who has not done the proper research. Taking a "short" position in certain asset classes is nothing new and investors have been utilizing this type of investment for years. When an investor has recognized an asset bubble in advance they have surely made some very nice profits off of short selling. Luckily the ETF industry has brought this same strategy within reach of other investors by facilitated the shorting of an entire index instead of simply individual stocks making it easier than needing to recognize asset bubbles.

For short to medium term investments, there is no doubt that Inverse ETFs will allow investors to obtain short term objectives making them an efficient means to make profits fast. If you are interested in participating in such purchases, the most important thing to do is research. Learn the ins and outs of Inverse ETFs and make sure all of your questions are answered before you make your first purchase.

If you are researching where to invest your money, consider purchasing an Inverse ETF to obtain short term objectives quickly and efficiently.

Parallels Between Physics and Finance

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AppId is over the quota

It would be interesting to compare two sciences of physics and finance. While one deals with the money the other deals with the physical universe. Both are important branches of studies so drawing a parallel between them will be interesting to many lovers of sciences.

Most of the theories in physics have models explaining a certain phenomenon. Whether it is electricity, magnetism, thermodynamics, gravitation each field has a subsets of models to explain various observations. For e.g. the Doppler Effect model in waves theory explains the plain variation of sound frequencies by a single set of equations. The Kirchhoff's law explains the law of flow of electric current in a closed circuit of electricity is a model based on some set of equations. The financial theory in recent times has become model based where the price of options comes from Black S Merton models. There are a set of inputs required in the model to describe and price the option. Similar to the physics models where one need to put in several parameters values to find an ideal solution.

Uncertainty is common to both finance and quantum physics. Quantum physics has a ground in uncertainty and that everything we see is in a random state of motion. Everything is arbitrary and does not has well-defined laws that can predict the outcome. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle states that the place and momentum of the electron cannot be determined simultaneously with exact precisions so where will be the electron located after sometime in the future cannot be determined exactly. Similar case happens in stock markets where an investor cannot be certain as where would be the index after sometime with exactness. There is always a degree of uncertainty associated with the market movements and thus closely resembles the Heisenberg's principle. Interest rates are the most dynamic measure of all that keeps on changing with the time and shows volatility so predicting where it will go the next moment requires a rocket scientist who can by all his knowledge can come out with a shrewd model that can predict the interest rates sometimes if not all the times. This uncertainty is a very important concept that happens everyday in the financial world. The speculators, hedging traders and the arbitrage traders all face this uncertainty and the risk of the market movement that could loss or gain them financially.

The geometric Brownian motion describes the path of the particle suspended in a liquid. A physician first observed this random motion of a pollen grain suspended in a liquid to follow a random path termed as the Brownian motion. Einstein described these Brownian motion mathematically in his paper, giving a set of equations that could describe the path followed by the suspended particle. His equation explains that the path of the particle is jointly described by a constant displacement term and a volatility term. It is the set of these equations that explains today the path of interest rates, the path of stock market index or the volatility path.

In their famous paper Black S and Merton describes the path followed by the stock prices follows Brownian motion equations which laid the foundation for the famous Black S Merton model that is widely used today by traders all over the world to values options. Black did use the law of equilibrium of physics to lay the basic idea behind the Black S equation. The joint portfolio of a long stock and a short call option would yield the same constant risk free rate over a short period. So the joint position would always be restored to the same risk free return. Various interest rate models like the lee model, Ross model or the White Hull models are mathematically given by the same set of Brownian motion equation difference is only that they are different in their displacement terms and volatility terms to describe the interest rates movements. The displacement coefficient can depend on time, a constant or a zero.The volatility coefficient is also sometimes depends on time or on the volatility itself. Thus when it comes to determining an uncertain quantity in the future there comes into play Brownian motion equations.

Uncertainty plays a big role in valuation models used today for valuing securities like equity and bonds. There are a thousand of different scenarios of future are possible when forecasting the interest rates, earnings or the discount factors in the valuation exercise. Similar observations happens when calculating the path taken by electron. An electron can take a very large number of paths when moving from one place to another. Richard Feynman gave an approximate number for the path that the electron can take through his sum over histories methods. Similarly the earnings of the company can follow several paths. Monte Carlo simulation can see different scenarios of path and a final value calculated by taking a mean of values calculated from values observed in several different paths. The forecasted values could be misleading and could be totally different, in a similar fashion the electron place could be misleading and incorrect. So if price of a security cannot be determined precisely and exactly, the present state of the electrons cannot be used to predict the future place by the quantum theory precisely.

If there is uncertainty then some models and theories do come close to predicting the next outcome. Take such as the theory of photoelectric effect which has a single equation given by Einstein. Theory is simple and elegant and beautifully explains the observed phenomenon with high degree of precision experimentally. The bond valuation includes discounting the future cash flows which are certain to occur and through proper discount rates one can come close to exact present value of the bond in the market. Sometimes theories do come close in explaining the real world. If a physicist wants to explain the falling of a ball under gravity he would use equations of motion to describe the path of the body. The frequency of light in a heat radiation is given by energy divided by the Planck's constant. Similar scenarios happens when a credit analyst wants to find the credit spread of a bond he would simply multiply the loss given default for the bond and the Probability of default for the bond.

Phenomenon of heat equilibrium states that the heat flow between two surfaces takes place until the temperatures of both the surfaces attains the same temperature and is in thermal equilibrium. Once the thermal equilibrium or two surfaces have equal temperatures the flow of heat stops. Arbitrage is the trading of incorrectly priced securities in different markets so if security is over-priced in one market trader sells in that market and buys in the market where it is under-priced until the price levels are same in both the markets. So flow of security takes place from the market where it is under-priced to the market where it is over-priced. See how temperature and price are analogous in explaining the two different phenomena's in same way. So money is flowing from one market to another market in the same way that the heat is flowing from one surface to another surface till the state of equilibrium of prices or temperatures reaches.

The quantitative theory of money states that measure of money in the economy determines inflation. So if money supply increases then there is inflation and if the money supply decreases then there is lower inflation. It could be compared with the heating of a body so that if the temperature of the body increases the heat radiates in large proportions to the fourth power of temperature and if it lowers then the heat radiated lowers proportionally. The inflation measures the amount of excess money in the economy in a similar way the temperature of the body measures the amount of excess heat in the body.

Thus overall the theories of finance and physics could be seen in a similar way except that they are taking place in two different worlds. Various theories have models that have a few set of parameters. There is uncertainty in some theories then there is some certainty in other theories in explaining the observed phenomenon. Laws of electricity, magnetism, gravitation and heat are applicable in finance also but not in same way as in physics. The same sets of explanations characterize what happens in both the worlds in the end they are different sciences. While physics deals with the study of nature and observed phenomenon then finance deals with the study of markets and its instruments.Nevertheless some parallels can still be drawn that should not sound meaningless.

Very much interested in writing about the topics on finance and science. There is large variety of topics that should be addressed and write about. Have a flair for writing and have written articles on science and finance.